[Using Sakai] Roles in courses and elsewhere

Rafael Morales rmorales at udgvirtual.udg.mx
Mon Aug 27 09:17:48 PDT 2012


I was creating a realm for a "simplified course" (basically, a project 
site with course roles adapted to our notations). So I duplicated the 
!site.template.project realm as !site.template.suvcourse and proceeded 
to create a student role (lowercase) Then I noticed that it was changed 
to Student (uppercase) , as in !site.template.course.

So, I am wondering wether there is some magic on role names I should be 
aware of. Is 'Student' a reserved role owned by !site.template.course? 
That's to say, is there any connection between 'student' (changed to 
Student by Sakai) in !site.template.suvcourse and 'Student' in 
!site.template.course? Would I have problems if I decided to lowercase 
roles in !site.template.course?

By the way, it is Sakai 2.7.x.


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