[samigo-team] visibility of newly created assessment types

Jim Mezzanotte jmezzanotte at rsmart.com
Fri Jun 29 15:58:44 PDT 2012

Hello Samigo team,

In 2.8 CLE instances, it seems that a newly created assessment type is
only visible to the user who created the type. So for example, if one
user in the instructor role creates a new assessment, other
instructors can't see it. I confirmed this is the case when all Samigo
permissions are enabled (except for the "take assessment" and "submit
assessment for "grade" permissions).

I also confirmed this behavior in a 2.9 test instance
(http://qa3-us.sakaiproject.org:8086/portal), though I wasn't able to
check permissions.

Is this behavior by design?

Jim Mezzanotte

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