[sakai2-tcc] Status of 2.8 additions, deprecations, and other changes

csev csev at umich.edu
Tue Sep 21 13:35:48 PDT 2010

I would like a bit of clarification - are we talking about a whole new webapp?  Are parts of it in trunk already and has incoming changes or is this a big code drop?

For me if this is changes to stuff that is already there that is off by default, I would support relaxing things.

If this is a whole new code drop that we have not yet seen, I would think that maybe the rush and bending the rules is less worth it because it is likely under rapid development still and will need to be re-released as it evolves.

So for me a little more detail would be helpful.


On Sep 21, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Anthony Whyte wrote:

> Re: Hybrid.  Lance is working on release issues currently for his hybrid artifact (a single webapp war).  I prefer that he not feel rushed in his work.  If he can't make the freeze deadline, I recommend strongly that we do not exclude his work from the release but schedule it's inclusion for the alpha2 tag.
> Cheers,
> Anth
>> - S3/Nakamura Hybrid (Lance Speelmon)
>> Lance has circulated his proposal to us and MT. I think some more 
>> discussion is probably warranted and a formal vote should be taken.
> On Sep 19, 2010, at 10:30 PM, Seth Theriault wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In the haze of the run-up to the 2.8 code freeze (TUESDAY, 23:59 UTC), 
>> I'd like to re-summarize our actions on the proposed additions and 
>> deprecations for the next release based on information presented on 2.8 
>> page:
>> http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/TCC/List+of+Planned+2.8.0+Changes
>> What follows is my opinion, so I encourage your comments and corrections.
>> There are some things that are in trunk and have been "approved" (by 
>> vote or consensus), while other things haven't. For those things that 
>> need discussion and votes, I suggest that we get it done by the end of 
>> this week.
>> == Deprecations
>> All of the proposed deprecations and removals seem to be in good shape. 
>> They have been discussed, approved, and for most part, committed.
>> == Additions
>> Additions are much more murky. My sense is the following:
>> - CK Editor (Noah Botimer)
>> Noah is on top of this and has communicated what he plans to do by the 
>> CF. I think we need to "approve" this for the record by vote or otherwise.
>> - BasicLTI Simple Outcomes (Chuck Severance)
>> It's in trunk, has a test plan, and Chuck is supervising it closely.
>> - ShortenedUrlService (Steve Swinsburg)
>> Currently in contrib. Some discussion has occurred, but no consensus 
>> seems to have emerged about if and where it should be put into trunk. I 
>> think this needs some sort of formal proposal and vote for clarity.
>> - Localization w/database back-end (John Bush)
>> The KNL part is in trunk, while the user-facing tool is in contrib. I 
>> think consensus has formed around this split for 2.8. Like CK Editor, we 
>> probably need to put the formal stamp on this.
>> - Quartz Job Scheduler (Duffy Gillman)
>> This is in trunk. The work was done in conjunction with the MT (the 
>> maintainers of the job scheduler) and there seems to be consensus on its 
>> inclusion. It probably needs the same "approval" for the record as the 
>> above.
>> - Updated blog tool (Lancaster)
>> I think this is out for 2.8.
>> - Updated Roster tool (Lancaster)
>> There was a lenghty discussion on the list. It's out, and Lancaster has 
>> decided to put this into contrib.
>> - S3/Nakamura Hybrid (Lance Speelmon)
>> Lance has circulated his proposal to us and MT. I think some more 
>> discussion is probably warranted and a formal vote should be taken.
>> - MessageService
>> I haven't seen any discussion or action on this so I am assuming it's 
>> out for 2.8.
>> - Email Notification Preferences (SAK-18859)
>> Chris Maurer has this work in a branch and notified sakai-dev (and 
>> possibly us) 10+ days ago. I don't think it's in trunk yet and also has 
>> a Kernel dependency (KNL-585). I think this needs focused discussion and 
>> an approval by vote.
>> - Account Validation (David Horwitz)
>> It looks as though this is in trunk (based on the RES-2 comment and a 
>> ViewVC check). It probably needs a formal stamp of approval.
>> == Architectural and library changes
>> I think there is consensus that no Tomcat 6/Java 1.6-related changes are 
>> to be made for 2.8, but will be worked on for 2.9. In addition, no 
>> Oracle-related deprecations will happen for 2.8.
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