[sakai2-tcc] Sakai 2.8.0 Scope

May, Megan Marie mmmay at indiana.edu
Thu Sep 2 08:20:17 PDT 2010

     We've consolidated the Confluence pages down to one simple page:  http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/RwghB<http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/RwghB> to track the changes and discussion about the 2.8.0 release scope.

As you can see there is still a lot of information that is needed.  Please have this to us by Wednesday, September 8th.


From: May, Megan Marie
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 11:56 AM
To: management at collab.sakaiproject.org
Cc: 'Prakash, Savitha'; Dunn, Jon William Butcher; botimer at umich.edu; 'Nuno Fernandes'; Nguyen, Tan D; Zhen Qian; csev; 'Steve Swinsburg'; Wang, Ying; Maurer, Christopher Wayne; 'Anthony Whyte'; matthew.buckett at oucs.ox.ac.uk; Cook, Jonathan; Hedrick Charles; Holladay, Bryan Andrew; 'David Horwitz'; jonespm at umich.edu; Li Lydia; Aaron Zeckoski; 'Beth Kirschner'
Subject: Sakai 2.8.0 Scope

Sakai 2 Project Leads,

  The TCC is in the final stages of scoping the Sakai 2.8.0 release.  There are currently a number of Confluence pages with wish lists, discussions and updates from midsummer [1].  Seth and I will be collecting and creating a document with a list of all changes in the release.   Can you please take a moment to let us know your plans?

It would be helpful if you could tell us if there are no changes, bug fixes only, list of any API changes and a list of enhancements (w/ JIRA #'s)?  Please indicate if any of these are still in progress and we'll touch base with you just prior to code freeze.

All the best,


[1]  http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/pCYhB<http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/pCYhB> &  http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/RwghB<http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/RwghB>

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