[Using Sakai] sakai crash on Generic Dao

Anders Nordkvist anders.nordqvist at his.se
Tue Sep 16 07:30:10 PDT 2014


New sakai problem :(
We have two nodes of sakai 2.9.x. The first one was running and when I started the second one It halted after a while on this log:

INFO: [GenericDao] Could not execute first DDL line, skipping the rest: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [CREATE TABLE ENTITY_PROPERTIES ( id            bigint(20) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, entityRef       varchar(255) NOT NULL, entityPrefix    varchar(255) NOT NULL, propertyName    varchar(255) NOT NULL, propertyValue   text NOT NULL, INDEX (entityRef, entityPrefix, propertyName) )]; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'entity_properties' already exists:com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'entity_properties' already exists
INFO: [GenericDao] Could not execute first DDL line, skipping the rest: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [CREATE TABLE ENTITY_TAG_APPLICATIONS ( id            bigint(20) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, entityRef       varchar(255) NOT NULL, entityPrefix    varchar(255) NOT NULL, tag             varchar(255) NOT NULL, INDEX (entityRef, entityPrefix, tag) )]; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'entity_tag_applications' already exists:com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'entity_tag_applications' already exists

The even bigger problem was that our first node also halted so for a while we didn't have any node up. I had to kill the process on the nodes and startup node one once again. So now we only got one node working. Does anyone know of this problem?

Anders Nordkvist
System administrator
University Of Skövde

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