[Using Sakai] admin lite function

Anders Nordkvist anders.nordqvist at his.se
Tue Jan 10 05:16:51 PST 2012

Hi all,

We are interesting in some kind of function that will provide a lite admin tool for administrators at our University. They should be able to access all the courses that is available and we don't want to give them a full admin role. I have checked around for some kind of tool that can do this and I found a Jira called "admin Lite", https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/UMICH-232 but it is depending on several kernel changes and if I can avoid this I would be pleased. Does anyone know of a tool or a fix that can achive the above mentioned?

In the jira, https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/KNL-708, Beth Kirschner comments  that there is a way to admin lite functionality without a kernel change but it doesn't say how?

Regards Anders Nordkvist
University of Skövde

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