[Using Sakai] Conference parking ideas

Regan, Alan Alan.Regan at pepperdine.edu
Tue Jun 7 19:42:36 PDT 2011

Hi, Matthew, et al.

Based on the thread, I updated the conference gateway page on transportation:

My understanding about parking at the hotel:
* Arrive and leave same day: special rate $16/day for conference
* Overnight rate: $35/day if staying at hotel

I'll see if I can get confirmation on the above details for everyone.

If anyone is looking for things to do in the area, I compiled a lot of places for consideration here:

I hope something here helps...


Alan Regan, MFA
Manager, Technology and Learning
Information Technology
Pepperdine University
(310) 506-6756

-----Original Message-----

Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 16:23:09 -0400
From: Matthew Jones <jonespm at umich.edu>
Subject: [Using Sakai] Conference parking ideas
To: sakai-user at collab.sakaiproject.org
Message-ID: <BANLkTiknqPsYVrrTyWWndH6LrS-NPsuw+A at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

So I am going early and was going to rent a car, however I heard a rumor that parking at the hotel was ~$40 a night! Seeing that I'll be there for 5 nights, and might not even use the car for most of the nights, it seems like it might be a good idea to find a cheaper place to park it, or just opt to return the car early. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

* I've read that parking at Union Station is a good option for general travel downtown, and it's a pretty cool place to visit. (http://goo.gl/0FXUM) I can't exactly tell what the daily rate is [1], but searching around makes it look like it's around $10 max a day, so much better than the hotel. It's a 15 minute subway trip + a short walk off the red or silver lines.

* A slightly closer option is the garage at Pershing Square (
http://goo.gl/Bx3Jy) which is supposed looks to be about a half mile walk and quick searches looks to be about $14 max a day.

There were no specials for in-out for either of these garages like the hotel so it could potentially be more if I ended up driving anywhere, but it was less parked for shorter terms. Open for any other ideas.

Also if anyone is going early this week and wants to do some sightseeing on Thursday or maybe Saturday, let me know, I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing yet. Hotel I'm staying at this week is outside downtown with free parking, yay!

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