[Using Sakai] Largest Site Membership / Potential Tool Issues?

Stephen Marquard stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
Mon Mar 8 09:51:55 PST 2010

At UCT we have a site with close to 30K members.

Tools that are fine: Announcements, Resources, Chat, Polls, Forums, Evaluation System (contrib), Site Info (though slow). Haven't tried Roster. 

Tools that may be problematic: Tests & Quizzes (viewing / exporting results).

>>> Jacob Reinelt <jjreinel at vmail.svsu.edu> 3/8/2010 6:42 PM >>> 
Hello all, 

I've recently been engaged in a discussion regarding if there are any limits on what the maximum number of members in one site is with tools still functioning properly. Since I don't have much experience with sites that have 1000+ members, and would prefer to get more information than just informing them that the sky is the theoretical limit, I am curious as to what the largest site membership is at institutions and if they have encountered issues with any tools due to member size. 

Currently our largest non-academic course has 2887 members. The only tool that we've flagged to this point with that level of membership is the roster tool. We haven't had any issues with the chat tool but generally our larger non-academic courses don't have the chat tool active or don't have a membership that actively utilizes the chat tool in mass. Are there any tools that people have discovered which become impacted, potentially severely, at 5000, 10000, 15000 etc users? 

I understand that different institution set-ups can skewer when / if issues occur but it would be nice to have an idea of any issues we may encounter as we see larger site memberships, 

Jacob Reinelt 

Open Source Programmer/Analyst 
Saginaw Valley State University 
Zahnow 202-A 
jjreinel at svsu.edu 
(989) 964-2151 

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