[Using Sakai] Portable links to tools

Stephen Marquard stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
Wed Jul 8 04:34:47 PDT 2009

In addition to the other responses, there is the /directtool/ addressing form.

This is described a little here: http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/SAKDEV/URLs+within+Sakai

but more here:

Specifically if there's only 1 tool of a specific type in a site, it's possible to use the URL form


e.g. http://ctools-dev.ds.itd.umich.edu:8081/portal/directtool/sakai.profile?sakai.site=~38dad38a-fd4d-4bcc-00fa-06dcdbae4afa

This removes the requirement to know page URLs or tool URLs, but still doesn't make these portal across sites.


>>> Marshall Feldman <marsh at uri.edu> 7/8/2009 3:28 PM >>> 

In a prototype website for a course I'm teaching this fall, I have 
designed a web page to act as a home page and portal. The page resides 
in "Resources/Web" and has links to other web pages that reside in this 
directory and its subdirectories. Since I use relative paths, this 
presents no problem.

However, the page also needs to have links to various Sakai tools, such 
as the course calendar and discussion board. As such, I have two questions:

   1. What's the best way to obtain the URL's for such tools? Can one
      simply open the tool in a browser and copy the path from the
      browser's address field? Or, is there a better method?
   2. These links have to be portable. In other words, when copying the
      web page from the prototype site (a project worksite) to the
      production site (a course worksite), the links have to point to
      the respective tools in the course worksite rather than to the
      tools in the original, project worksite used to design the course.
      Does Sakai have something like relative addresses for this
      purpose? Is there a better way to address this problem?

Thanks very much.
Dr. Marshall Feldman, PhD
Director of Research and Academic Affairs

Center for Urban Studies and Research
The University of Rhode Island
email: marsh @ uri .edu (remove spaces)

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