[Building Sakai] Call for QA testing for Sakai 10.2-RC01

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Oct 1 07:00:04 PDT 2014

The Sakai Core Team is happy to publish the first release candidate for 
Sakai 10.2. The 10.2 RC01 includes all current verified bugs, since the 
release of Sakai 10.1 as more schools continue to upgrade and run Sakai 
10 in production.

This is currently running on https://qa10.longsight.com. Please see the 
MOTD there for more information. Logs are available on that server at 

We have tackled a number of bugs and are optimistic that RC01 could 
become the final Sakai 10.2 release. We need your help with QA testing 
and reporting. Our target is to complete testing by Thursday, October 9th

QA plan
The plan is here - 
But thrown together fairly quickly. Please feel free to ask questions.

List of fixes since 10.0
The full list of nearly 60 issues is below. This release contains around 
6 blockers including one that prevents startup (KNL-1290), two that 
causes problems with Oracle (SAK-27890, SAM-2408) and a regression in 
Samigo (SAM-2410)


More details for those interested (for local downloading, etc)
Link to the source tag (It points to externals as of 2014-09-27 2:30 EDT):

Link to the binary (for other QA servers)

MD5: 7b91ddc249a119f14f291ccde68a693e
SHA1: 0a83a23dd3522d0b8d027315396843a70a858e52

Neal Caidin on behalf of the Sakai Core Team

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