[Building Sakai] master Jiras for inlining / Morpheus

Charles Hedrick hedrick at rutgers.edu
Thu Nov 20 07:47:05 PST 2014

Based on discussion on the core team call, two jiras are being used to track changes due to inlining and morpheus. While those changes are conceptually separate, it is the intent to do them both, and tool changes to deal with Morpheus may well not be limited to CSS, so it’s going to be hard to separate them.

SAK-25514 is being used as the master entry for core changes to implement inlining and Morpheus. I.e. changes in portal and library. Other jiras should be linked to it.

SAK-27774 is being used as the master entry for changes to tools to work with inline and Morpheus. All tool changes should be linked to that Jira. 

We agreed to change trunk to use Morpheus shortly.

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