[Building Sakai] Trying to use Evaluation System tool

Sergio Muriel sergioame at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 7 14:32:03 PDT 2014

Dear All,I'm trying to run the Evaluation System tool using:1. Windows2. Tomcat 73. MySQL4. Sakai 2.9.1 (Kernel 1.3.1)5. Hierarchy 1.2.66. Evaluation System tool 1.4.17. Maven 2.2.1
I've done all the steps showed in:https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/EVALSYS/Installation+Guide
When I deploy it and run it in Tomcat it doesn't show me any errors related with Evaluation System, but it also doesn't show me anything new or related to Evaluation System in the web site.
Does anybody has any clue for it?
PD Questions: - Is it possible (right, good) to Maven Sakai modules using different Maven versions?- Is this system still being used? (In case not, any alternatives?)

Best Regards,

Sergio Muriel
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