[Building Sakai] Portal NEO Prefix

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Thu Mar 21 17:14:17 PDT 2013

How then does the skin picker work?  How is it configured?


On Mar 21, 2013, at 8:26 AM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

> Hi Chuck,
> The whole point of the argument is that you cannot have skins for different templates active at the same time. So even if you had neo-someskin (for 2.9+) and someskin (for 2.8 and earlier), it doesn't matter. They both *cannot* work at the same time because the portal templates cannot be changed at runtime.
> I don't understand why we are imposing a naming convention? It's just CSS, add a comment at the top of the portal.css for each skin or add a readme that lists what each does? There seems to be a fascination with the names being similar, why does that matter?
> I dont propose any naming conventions be applied at all, exactly the opposite actually. Let people call skins whatever they want as they have done forever. It will work. The only properties I propose are the existing ones:
> # switch between the new 2.9 portal and the old 2.8 one if you want to
> portal.templates=…
> # the name of the skin to use by default. sites can set their own skin if they want to
> default.skin=…
> As for SQL to adjust a skin set that a site has, unless the skin is incompatible with the templates in use then it's not needed. And a simple scan of the props table will tell you if someone is using a skin that is incompatible. It should all be taken care of at upgrade time.
> Again, there is *no* way for a skin that is currently in use to be automatically mapped to the neo equivalent. Work must be done to make a compatible version.
> Another real example:
> In 2.8 I have a site with a custom skin called alphabet. I upgraded to 2.9 and the portal changed the name of that skin to neo-alphabet. This does *not* work. I don't have a skin called neo-alphabet. My site is broken, there is no CSS. So I need to actually do work to upgrade my skin/make a new one. But again I should be able to call my new skin whatever I want, and in this particular case I called my skin alphabet-v2. 
> cheers,
> S

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