[Building Sakai] 2.9.1 Performance Issues

Bryan Holladay holladay at longsight.com
Wed Jul 24 12:17:52 PDT 2013

The problem with Delegated Access is that it was using
org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean instead of
org.sakaiproject.memory.util.EhCacheFactoryBean.  This was fine for you in
2.8.x, but the ehcache version was updated in 2.9.x causing different
default values (particularly overFlowToDisk).  The changing settings is
probably why you are seeing this in 2.9 instead of 2.8.  Just apply the
patch that I committed in the jira you created and you should be ok.

As for your application, I would suggest using DelegatedAccess's API to get
the list of sites the user has access to based on the search criteria:


public List<SiteSearchResult> searchUserSites(String search, Map<String,
String> advancedOptions, boolean shoppingPeriod, boolean activeShoppingData)

It will probably use the same amount of space in the Cache, however, it
will be a multitude times faster than waiting for a single call on every
site and using the EventService & Session to communicate and pass data.
 The only reason Kernel doesn't do this is because Kernel can't be
dependent on Delegated Access (and its not dealing with more than a few
sites at a time anyways).

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