[Building Sakai] 2.9.x Browsers Supported, curious

Poindexter, David Ray davpoind at iupui.edu
Thu Apr 11 16:09:33 PDT 2013

So, where is the official list of browsers supported by 2.9.0+?

There's a lot of pre-IE9 stuff in Sakai, and I'm curious whether it's actually supposed to be there or not. We, IU, are supporting (Current major version) + (N-1) of Chrome, Firefox, and IE.

What say you?
David Poindexter
Systems Analyst
Enterprise Student Systems
Indiana University
535 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5157
O: 317.274.8686
W: http://uits.iu.edu<http://uits.iu.edu/>
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