[Building Sakai] 2.9.0 RC02 Test Fest Update - Tuesday morning Eastern time

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Tue Oct 23 06:17:33 PDT 2012

Hi All,

The test fest is this entire week, from yesterday through this Friday, October 26. Test Fest information can be found on Confluence - https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/QA/2.9+Test+Fest

We are testing RC02 all of this week and if we get good coverage, especially on Regression testing (aka overall and Tool testing),  then RC03 could end up being our 2.9.0 production release! 

Testing Focus
So far, we are getting good testing against bug fixes that need verifying (aka Jira testing). We need more focus on Tool testing, especially the Portal (My Workspace, Worksite setup, Preferences, Synoptic views etc), Profile 2 (the new Profile tool), Samigo (Test & Quizzes), Gradebook, Lessons and Forums. But really everything. 

Questions on Adobe Connect
* Provided one Ad Hoc QA training session for American Public University System. If you want to schedule Sakai QA training for your QA team please email nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org to schedule a time.
* Received one question about comments on the Google Spreadsheet and whether you should also comment on the Jira ticket? Yes please, whether the Jira is verified or not, please add your comments.
* It was noted that nobody was available to answer a question on Adobe Connect. That is correct, it is staffed by the community and therefore does not always have somebody available to answer questions. 
* To sign up to answer other QA tester questions go to http://bit.ly/qahelp

What should I test?
Probably the #1 question I get is "What should I (or we) test?".  

I recommend finding the intersection of your availability, institutional and community interests (insert Venn diagram here ;-)).  For example, if you have limited chunks of time then choosing Jiras to test bug fixes is probably your best bet. Regression testing takes a lot more time to do, in general. However, the community's biggest need is Regression testing at the moment. 

If you do Regression testing, which tool(s) should you choose? You might want to choose tools that are used most heavily by your institution. If your institution uses Gradebook 2, then it might not make sense to test Gradebook. Perhaps you do use online testing with Samigo (Test & Quizzes), then that might be a good choice. It is challenging to give an exact answer to this question, but always happy to have the discussion to help clarify and any testing you do, no matter what Tool or Jira, does benefit the community.

Btw, I will be unavailable most or all of Wednesday, October 24.  If nobody is available to answer your questions on Adobe Connect, please email the QA or Dev lists and start your email with "[Test Fest]".

Thanks for all the great work so far. 


Neal Caidin

Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Skype: nealkdin
AIM: ncaidin at aol.com

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