[Building Sakai] Hidding Lesson builder resources and in generalhidding resources

Daniel Merino daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Thu Oct 18 01:35:28 PDT 2012


We are running this patch in production since March 2012 with no related 
issues. Specially useful for (easily) linking hidden images to Samigo's 


Diego del Blanco Orobitg escribió:
> Hi:
> I’ve been testing Lesson builder for a customer that wants to create 
> with LB a path where you see a video, then you need to do an 
> assessment and if you pass then you can view the subpage with the next 
> video…
> I’ve used private youtube videos (yes, they are open, but this was a 
> testing) and I’ve seen that LB creates in resources a folder for each 
> subpage with the URL to the videos, and these URL are accessible 
> independently from the result of the assessment. So you can create a 
> subpage only visible if you pass an assessment but if you go to 
> resources you can view the link to the next video.
> This open again the question about hidden folders with accessible 
> content. There is a way commented in other mail to allow this creating 
> a private folder and a folder inside with permissions to view hide 
> content for access. But this is a trick. We at Samoo have developed 
> time ago a patch to add an option for a folder to hide it but maintain 
> the resources available to students.
> We will be happy (again because this is not the first time we propose 
> this and solution is uploaded to this JIRA since March 2012 
> https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-7814 ) to have it included in 
> the Sakai Official code. I think is a really important feature not 
> solved now. In this case LB, LB can create the folders with this 
> option enabled or the “maintain” can manually hide the folders but 
> continuing allowing the users to access to the content in LB.
> This can be useful for many other questions and tools.
> We have it developed for 2.7, 2.8 (and March 2012 trunk to be 
> included…) but obviously this is out of date… so we will need to 
> update it for 2.9 too and actual trunk, no problem because the change 
> is not so big, but, we will do it but only if someone assure us to 
> include it in Sakai, because we don’t want to waste again our time 
> developing a feature for several versions and trunk to be ignored.
> Why is so difficult to contribute with interesting and desired new 
> features to the community????!!!!!????!!!!! Why if we solve a 
> requested feature in JIRA (following the official way of doing things) 
> uploading the patches to all the active versions in Sakai this is not 
> included neither discussed.
> Sorry for the complain, but this is not the only one think we want to 
> improve or contribute and is ignored. And I’m totally sure that this 
> feature is desired because there are a lot of people that ask for it.
> cid:image001.jpg at 01C9F98A.71C74E60 <http://www.samoo.es/>
> *Diego del Blanco Orobitg*
> Director de Operaciones**
> diego.delblanco at samoo.es <mailto:diego.delblanco at setival.com>**
> Tlf Oficina: 673 803 269
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> www.samoo.es <http://www.samoo.es/>
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Daniel Merino Echeverría
daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Gestor de teleformación - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.
Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.
Es mejor estar callado y parecer tonto que hablar y despejar 
definitivamente cualquier duda. (Groucho Marx)

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