[Building Sakai] Tomcat not shutting down properly

Brian Jones bjones86 at uwo.ca
Tue Mar 27 09:03:52 PDT 2012


Recently we here at Western University polled the community for existing
certification tools for Sakai. Rsmart was kind enough to provide their
certification tool as contrib.

We've tested deploying this tool on our local and dev environments and
noticed something troubling. In a nutshell, after deploying the tool, it
causes Tomcat to be unable to shut down properly. It's always waiting for
some threads that are waiting for something.

Please find attached two files, one outlining the test plan which verified
the certification tool as the culprit, the second a thread dump. I noticed
in the thread dump there are two suspicious entries:

. "SakaiPresenceService.Maintenance"
. "org.azeckoski.reflectutils.refmap.Finalizer"

But I can't find any references to these objects/packages/methods in any the
code of either rsmart-common or the certification tool itself. We're kind of
at a loss as to how to track this issue down, or what to do to resolve it.
If anyone in the community, or at Rsmart, has an ideas we would be extremely

Thanks in advance, 

Brian Jones
Applications Development
Information Technology Services
Support Services Building, Room 4326
University of Western Ontario
(519) 661-2111 x86969
bjones86 at uwo.ca

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