[Building Sakai] WIRIS Maths equation editor

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 17:24:37 PDT 2012

I recently installed the Wiris editor and found its configuration to be impossible for multi server installs since the configuration needed to be hardcoded within the repackaged WAR, so the code cannot be shared across environments (i.e. it asks for a couple of directory paths which must be hardcoded and cannot accept any param substitution).

In the end I had to build my own filtering code to adjust the values and package it up at build time, but I am wondering if you have a bug tracker where I can raise these concerns. It seems trivial that moving some of the configuration out of the current config file and into the web.xml would allow for easier deployments since it could have parameter substitution applied to it.


On 03/08/2012, at 7:54 PM, Carles Aguiló <carles at wiris.com> wrote:

> Dear Brian,
> Thanks a lot for the information. I have to make one precision though: there is 
> a Java version of WIRIS formula editor, but the latest technology uses 
> Javascript + HTML4, so it does a lot better on mobile devices, accessibility, 
> etc.
> About the rendering, the main difference with MathJax is that it reproduces a 
> font (or typeface) similar to the one in LaTeX, whereas we consider that 
> readability on the screen and readability on paper are different and try to 
> have a more screen-adapted approach via a neater font.
> I hope I brought light to the key points discussed :-)
> Best regards,
>     Carles
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