[Building Sakai] Adjusting links after a site duplication

George Pipkin gpp8p at virginia.edu
Wed Sep 14 10:05:10 PDT 2011

Hi Everybody:

We have a mechanism we have developed that allows people to embed links
to assignments, quizzes, forums, Jforums, and resources into any document
created or modified by the ECKEditor onscreen editor.  It is similar in many
ways to EntityPicker. Like a lot of other people, we've noticed that 
after a site duplication, links
that might be embedded in a syllabus, assignment, forum etc are all still
pointing to the old site.  I noticed that there is an issue (SAK-16568) 
intended to address
this problem in the context of EntityPicker.  I took a look at the 
underlying code,
and I'm not entirely clear on what it does.  My questions are:

1) In the case of Forums, Topics appear to move over properly as it is, 
but the forum
as a draft ?  Do the modifications in SAK-16568 also move over postings 
?  Are the forums
themselves moved to non-draft status

2) Samigo - after a site dup, the old quizzes are non published in the 
new site. Does it
publish the quizzes and then adjust the links ?

3) Assignments - after a site dup, assignments in the new site are 
drafts.  Does the new
code change this ?

4) As I understand it, this code is invoked from Entity Picker.  How 
does this work ?  Am I right
in assuming the critical code in each tool is contained within method 
updateEntityReferences ?  Could
this be called from another context - for instance a free-standing "copy 
site" tool ?

                                        - George Pipkin

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