[Building Sakai] Strange intermittent Spring MVC problem

Maurer, Christopher Wayne chmaurer at iupui.edu
Tue Jul 6 06:47:32 PDT 2010

Hey all,
I'm running into a strange sporadic problem related to Spring MVC.  It doesn't happen every time and I haven't nailed down any sort of sequence of events to reproduce it yet, but thought I'd throw this out anyway.

I've got a Spring MVC tool that I am calling as a helper and displaying in a jquery dialog.  Most times, everything works fine, then, once in a while, I get the attached error.
I've got the command class set and I've even overridden the formBackingObject.  My backing bean also has a default constructor.  I have no idea why this would happen.
Anyone else ever run into anything like this or have any other suggestions?  Google has only provided the basic obvious suggestions.  If any of those things were the case, I'd expect it to not work at all.


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