[Building Sakai] Core tools with significant planned 2.7 changes

Clay Fenlason clay.fenlason at et.gatech.edu
Mon Jul 20 06:33:53 PDT 2009

I'm reviewing the list Peter collected of planned feature changes
across various tools. [1]  The focus of this list is changes to
existing code and capabilities, not, e.g., entirely new tools (I'm
bracketing and setting aside that latter concern right now). So far
the following stand out to me as areas of particular risk:

(1) Forums - an apparently sweeping set of feature and UI changes,
with involvement from IU, Michigan, and UCT
(2) Site Info/Worksite setup - a set of changes which, while not
dramatic, carry a greater risk because they touch on matters of site
membership and site creation workflows
(3) Skin/markup changes - it's not clear how significant these changes
are, or if they're backward compatible, but there seems to be a strong
need for both documentation and some skin testing

I suppose I have a few questions, for those who know more detail - is
that page accurate, and are there other things there on that page that
catch your eye?


[1] http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/6ICTAQ

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