[sakai-core-team] Subversion -> Github Migration

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Mon Dec 29 17:38:17 PST 2014

On Dec 29, 2014, at 8:19 PM, Matthew Jones <matthew at longsight.com> wrote:

> I believe though that even if we don't go with the uPortal model we'll have a group considered "Committers" (Formerly SVN Admins) and "Contributors" (Formely people who submitted patches). I think the workflow for these two groups is different though. Where Committers can just (for now) merge or push their own pull request. Contributors won't be able to do this step, and have to have someone else do this for them. I saw the first a pull request from Charles Hedrick and things like that I'm not interested in pushing the button every-time for. ;)
> Am I correct on this?
> I have added everyone formerly in the Sakai Admins svn group that has recently contributed to the Sakai Admins git team. 

Chuck H should definitely be able to push the button on his own PRs.

Folks - Aren't we waiting until the meeting tomorrow morning at 10AM to declare open season on the new git repo?


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