[Contrib: Evaluation System] proposed new feature for 1.4: "Optionally allow all roles to take a survey"

Adam Marshall adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Mon May 16 08:39:29 PDT 2011

"Optionally allow all roles to take a survey (configurable via Administrate a screen)"


I would like to add this feature to Trunk (1.4).

When I mentioned this during an evaluations phone conf a while ago I was asked to clarify how this patch relates to the "eval.take.evaluation" permission. 

Requirement: allow surveys to be set up to which maintain and tutor roles can respond.


As there is no permissions helper, in order to permit maintain and / or tutor roles to respond to a survey, one needs to visit the Realms tool in the Administration Workspace, then enter the site in question, then access the realms for the roles that need to be granted "take.evaluation", then set the permission. 

Obviously, if the survey is to be assigned to more than one site then this must be done for each site.

If one wishes to return to the default state one must undo all of the above changes.


This patch makes this facility available to all users (as there is no permissions helper). It allows the "take.evaluation" permission to effectively be set as a one off for all roles and allows this to be done to all assigned sites at the same time. The option can be disabled via the Administrate screen.

A patch has been attached to the Jira and we have been using this feature in production for a couple of months.

Any objections?



Add a mechanism to allow all roles to be able to take a survey.

There should be a system-wide "Administrate" option to enable / disable this feature in case people dont want it.

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