[Contrib: Evaluation System] Stable version to deploy

Matthew Buckett matthew.buckett at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Dec 22 04:34:53 PST 2009

2009/12/22 Sean DeMonner <demonner at umich.edu>:
> Matthew,
> I don't know for certain, but many of the check-ins you're seeing are
> probably from the U-M folks merging their changes back to trunk. Over the
> past six months we've had several meetings to review and discuss this work.
> A list of items may be found here:
> http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/EVALSYS/Proposed+merges+from+UMICH+branch+to+trunk
> We just finished our Fall deployment of EVALSYS and things went smoothly, so
> I would expect the merge discussions to start up again early next year.

We're looking to deploy a version after new year. Would you recommend
deploying the umich branch, or does it have U-M specific things in it
or features that won't make it back into trunk?

  Matthew Buckett
  VLE Developer, LTG, Oxford University Computing Services

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