[samigo-team] Need your valuable suggestions about 'Fill In The Blank' type of questions in Test & Quizzes tool

Gurumurthy Godlaveeti gurumurthy.godlaveeti at vidyayug.com
Tue Feb 18 04:43:22 PST 2014

Hi Samigo Team,

Sub: Need your valuable suggestions to full fill ANI ( Asahi Net
International)  client requirement

This is Guru (Ityug Team) working from India for Asahi Net International

Requirement: One of ANI client requirement is to use curly braces ({,})in
his question as below.

Example :

x is 2 & y is 10 then what is the value of below formula?

{(x+y)2/10}/(x+y)3   = {20}

Right now Samigo tool is considering curly braces as a blank which is
making the above question in undesirable format by making blank in the
place of curly braces.

As per client requirement he wants to use curly braces where ever needed to
give more clarity while framing questions.

The below is one of the approach which I thought so please provide your
comments and any suggestions are most welcomed to full fill the client

My opinion:

It became as show stopper for client to use '{' & '}' in his question, same
thing will happen even if he use the combination of '(',')' and '[',']'. So
I think it's better to have one pattern for making the blank place &
getting answers from questions also.

Example: pattern is '*{AND:*' and '*}*'

x is 2 & y is 10 then what is the value of below formula?

{(x+y)2/10}/(x+y)3   = *{ANS:20}*

I feel we can overcome this problem by doing like this.

Thanks & Regards,

Gurumurthy Godlaveeti,

+91 81 21 253011
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