[sakai2-tcc] LTI Release Consulting

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Fri Mar 8 13:26:41 PST 2013

I am getting back to this and will start making tags and branches for BASICLTI 2.1.x in earnest next week.   Thanks to Aaron, Matt, Steve, and Chuck for the guidance and explanation regarding the life of an Indie release.

The nice summary below is really cool and pretty in a way.  What I was missing was that the parent POM in a branch or tag is more of a compile-time issue and whatever parent pom is referenced must exist - but has little to do with the generated basiclti artifacts - except for the rare situation mentioned by Matt where something changed in a Sakai 2.x.y release or its associated kernel -= which is thankfully rare.

Again, thanks.   I will keep these mail messages - because they are a pretty good summary of how indies work and really helped clarify my understanding.


On Feb 27, 2013, at 4:49 AM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

> Hi Chuck,
> Sorry for the late joining in to this discussion. The answer is yes to all of these.
> One thing to note is that pom mods are generally not required in the source tags either, since the project should be binding to a stable version, i.e. 2.7.3 or 2.8.2 or 2.9.1 (NOT 2.9.1-SNAPSHOT). 
> What this means is that the parent pom will be released to the Maven repository so people who checkout the source code can just build the project without modification of the pom, Maven will find it and everyone will be happy. The parent poms are generally only used for getting generic stuff like plugins/repositories and other settings, but also the versions of various API's and services. And if the versions of API's don't have incompatible changes in them (and most of the time they don't), then the tool will build against the older versions just fine, and then be deployed with the newer versions (since Tomcat has them deployed) and it will be sweet.
> Three cases to demonstrate this:
> I use the 1.1 tag of the adobe connect tool in my 2.9 builds, it binds to a parent of master 2.8.2. No issues.
> I use the 1.0.2 tag of roster2 in my 2.9 builds, it binds to a parent of purepoms 2.8.0. No issues.
> I use the 1.2.6 tag of hierarchy in my 2.9 builds, it binds to a parent of 2.5.4. No issues.
> cheers,
> Steve

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