[sakai2-tcc] Wrapping up Tools Survey/SQL Data

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Jul 10 13:51:19 PDT 2013

At the TCC - CLECC meeting on Tuesday, I was hearing that I should publish the graphs pretty much as they are. Any objections?

I'm also thinking I could publish the raw aggregate data from the SQL, in addition to, not instead of, the charts I've produced, on the off chance someone may want to play with the information to visualize it in a different way. 

Any objections?


On Jul 9, 2013, at 11:37 AM, Neal Caidin <neal.caidin at apereo.org> wrote:

> Hi TCC !
> One of the items I was hoping to discuss at our meeting today at 1 pm Eastern ( 5 pm GMT) is wrapping up the Tools Survey/ SQL Data effort.  If you were at the Open Apereo Conference, or if you've been checking the updates on Dropbox, this will not be completely new to you.
> SQL queries at - https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/TCC/CLE+Tool+Use+Queries
> The enclosed files represent:
> * Tools_Survey_Results_2013 (pdf) is the same chart as you saw at the Open Apereo Conference except that I've stacked the tools from highest to lowest percent and included the percent of "yes" votes in parenthesis (thanks to Aaron for part or all of this suggestion) .  
> * SQL_data_summary_pdf - has charts representing the aggregation of the Sakai Tool Events query and the Sakai Tools Placement query.  The data for each institution was converted to a percentage and then aggregated, each institution's results counting for the same weight.  Specific tools did end up getting weighted in that a tool might be used at one institution but not another, no normalization technique was attempted.
> * events_sql_aggregation.csv   - the Sakai Tool Events aggregation - raw summary data 
> * events_summary_ranking.csv - same data as events_sql_aggregation but rolling up a summary on the event "prefix", the portion of the event id that is to the left of the first period. For example asn.read.submission and asn.grade.submission would roll up under one entry - "asn"  . Data visualized in SQL_data_summary_pdf
> * tool_sql_aggregation.csv - the Sakai Tools Placement query aggregation. Data visualized in SQL_data_summary_pdf
> Thoughts/Feedback
> ------------------------------
> I'm mostly happy with the Tools_Survey_Results_2013 and will publish if you are happy with that too.
> I'm not confident that the SQL_data_summary_pdf charts actually "say" anything meaningful. I was thinking maybe just releasing the raw aggregate data instead. Or maybe someone in the Community (or TCC) will come up with a better way to visualize. 
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Neal Caidin
> Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
> Apereo Foundation
> <SQL_data_summary_pdf.pdf><Tools_Survey_Results_2013.pdf><events_sql_aggregation.csv><events_summary_ranking.csv><tool_sql_aggregation.csv>

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