[sakai2-tcc] No Meeting in Ann Arbor Spring Break

csev csev at umich.edu
Thu Feb 10 11:34:30 PST 2011

I assume that we will have a series of 2.x TCC meetings during the coordination time.

Sounds like there is little interest for an additional meeting in Ann Arbor.  It is OK with me.

While US folks might an additional three days in August to get together this as more costly, compare the cost of three days in Ann Arbor and then the following week in LA versus a week in LA in June and three days in AA in August.

For someone in the US - this is just two short trips - and whether they are in successive weeks in June does not affect cost.

However for someone in South Africa, Europe, or Australia, the cost of two separate trips makes it impossible to come twice.

So, if ther was a desire for an extended TCC/developers meeting *and* we wanted international participation, two successive weeks in June is far superior to two trips a coupe f months apart.

It is perfectly OK to say "We don't want a three-day developer meeting - a one day before and one day after the LA meeting is enough.".


On Feb 10, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Seth Theriault wrote:

> Charles Hedrick wrote:
>> It would be easier for me if we meet during or adjacent to the
>> NA conference.
> I would agree.
> Don't forget that traditionally we have "project coordination
> meetings" around the conference:
> https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/MGT/Project+Coordination+Meetings
> This sort of gathering seems, to me at least, to be exactly this
> sort of thing.
> Seth

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