[sakai2-tcc] More Indie Thinking on Profile2 / Profile

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 15:28:05 PDT 2010

It should be possible to pull into common the required artifacts from p2 using the assembly plugin, as it pulls the things it needs from the local repo. 

Would have to check that deploying both didn't get things out of sync if common was a but behind. 

But that's doable and I'd be in favour of that approach. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 02/09/2010, at 22:25, csev <csev at umich.edu> wrote:

> On Sep 2, 2010, at 12:22 AM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>> I would imagine that an AJAX based call from Javascript to the direct servlet that pulls data from the cache would be much faster than pulling it out of the database. If its not, then Sakai 3 is going to be pretty slow. However, I can understand that a piece of server side code that needs to create a HTTP request to /direct/ is not as useful as using the API directly, which I think is that you are talking about.
> I was careful to characterize my example as getting the number from the API to be included in the portal's base markup - and then perhaps the slide-out pulls from direct.   I think that it is important that the first request / response for the portal be a reasonably coherent page of HTML that does not require further cycles - little fin bits or interactive bits are fine later to be pulled by AJAX. 
> My extended technical case was saying both are necessary and both need to be performant.
>> We've taken a detour a bit. Pulling the API out of Profile2 and into common should still be debated in this group as to it's merits and usefulness over having a manageable indie release. But there is already an API people can bind to that gives you everything you need:
>> profile2-api-1.4-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar
> Thanks for bringing us back to the start of our walkabout :) 
> This is what I would rather see in common rather than spreading yet another hand-tracked version across 40-50 poms of the indies and contrib over the next two years and then going back through and deleting the dependency when we finally decide to move it to common.
> Is there any maven magic that we can convince the common pom to point to this artifact (including a version) without moving the code into common for the moment?  That way tools could still depend on only common, and not add the profile dep to their , you could release lots of little profile releases, and the rest of the world could lag behind a bit, depending only on common.   And then any time we/you like, we can rev the version of profile API in common and release common.
> And then later when code calms down, we may or may not move the actual code to common later - in a sense it won't matter.
> I am hopeful that this is possible - I am just so maven-challeneged that I don't even know the words to describe what I want.   Or am I really talking about pure-poms instead of common.   I am so confused :)
> /Chuck
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