[Using Sakai] Sakai & Canvas...

Laura Gekeler LGekeler at nd.edu
Tue Mar 10 06:12:32 PDT 2015

Hi Gregory,

I'll take a shot at this topic. You probably don't know me but I was
elected to the Apereo Foundation Board this past year to serve a 3 yr term.
I thought I'd start with that "full disclosure" since Sakai is a project
under the Apereo Foundation umbrella. So, here's what I know -

Canvas was chosen as an exploratory platform by a new consortium called

Unizin's members *do* include Indiana University and University of
Michigan, who were among Sakai's founding members. In that respect, the
Canvas rep's statements are true. Stanford is not in that group, so that
part isn't true at all. However, Stanford is piloting Canvas this winter

It's the Canvas sales rep's job to sell (hosting subscriptions).  The sales
rep doesn't sell Canvas itself, since, like Sakai, Canvas has been licensed
as open source. Though *unlike* Sakai which is open in totality and from
inception, only Canvas "basic," or Canvas "light" is freely downloadable
and installable on its own.

Is there a future in Sakai now that Indiana University and the University
of Michigan no longer contribute to Sakai? You betcha. The torch has been
passed; the Sakai community is solid.

Bigger questions, as the Sakai community continues to evolve and grow, is
how do we as a community leap-frog over Canvas? You know the list in Sakai
called "Edit Tools" that contains all the tools native to Sakai as well as
all the 3rd party extensions like Kaltura and Piazza, etc? Canvas has that
list too, with an eye-popping icon representing it. So, the tool list
itself was an idea that came from Sakai, The icons? The iPhone, right?

To your question, the Sakai community of innovators is alive and well. We
*are* in a staging period, which makes us look like not much is happening,
but behind the scenes, it is.


Laura Gekeler
LMS Administrator //Concurrent Instructor
Teaching and Learning Technologies
University of Notre Dame
P:(1) 574-631-2402

On 10 March 2015 at 08:31, Gregory Guthrie <guthrie at mum.edu> wrote:

> I got an interesting comment from a Canvas LMS representative;
> “Sakai is such a cool concept but I do wonder where it will end up in the
> future, as most it's founding schools (and the schools putting resources
> into developing it) have now left and come to Canvas (U of Indiana, U of
> Michigan, Stanford)…”
> I wondered what level of reality this statement has?
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