[Using Sakai] OSP and Sakai 10

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Fri Jan 17 11:57:18 PST 2014

[dev, qa, production, sakai-user, pedagogy, portfolio]

Hey All,

 From a few quarters, what I'm hearing is that for Sakai 10 probably no 
OSP issues will be considered blockers. And for OSP issues which do get 
fixed, we need some QA commitment so that we can verify the patches, 
otherwise even getting in those patches could be a problem, from a risk 

Any thoughts on this? Anybody leading the charge on the current OSP tool 
in Core or willing to step up and lead OSP QA?

As an FYI, there is an exciting effort to develop a new portfolio tool - 


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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