[Using Sakai] [Building Sakai] Sakai 11: iFrames are starting to vanish - SAK-27774

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Thu Aug 7 10:14:45 PDT 2014

Right, I cannot create a new user account either. Same symptom : "passwords
do not match". Sounds like I'll have to use one of the built-in accounts
until this is resolved.


On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Ziegler, Jeff <ziegler at umich.edu> wrote:

> Thanks, Matt, i was able to login with those users.
> Tried the "click the Gradebook buttons" test and back button seems to be
> working well.  Clicked all buttons from left to right but noticed that when
> clicking the back button to retrace my path I got a "confirm form
> submission" page when I moved back to Permissions setting screen so still a
> bit of unexpected behavior when clicking Back.
> J
> On Aug 7, 2014, at 10:01 AM, Matthew Jones <matthew at longsight.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I'm seeing the same, java script error causing it. It looks like the
> cause of this was moving the cluetip js out of includeStandardHead a few
> days ago, but I'm there's no jira on that so I'm not sure what was going on
> with that change, so I just cc'd Mark.
> https://source.sakaiproject.org/websvn/revision.php?repname=sakai-svn&path=%2F%2Fportal%2Ftrunk%2Fportal-render-engine-impl%2Fpack%2Fsrc%2Fwebapp%2Fvm%2Fmorpheus%2FincludeStandardHead.vm&rev=311394&peg=311394
> You can login as instructor/sakai and student0001/sakai if you wanted to
> test in the meantime, but sounds like trunk might be under construction.
> if ( jQuery('a.tool-directurl').length )
> jQuery('a.tool-directurl').cluetip({
>    1.
>    2. Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
>    neoscripts.js?version=:489
> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Ziegler, Jeff <ziegler at umich.edu> wrote:
>> Nope.  Cleared cache and no difference.
>> From my perspective, it seems like I'm encountering highly aggressive
>> validity checking.  I notice that as soon as I type a single letter into
>> the Email field I get "the email address is invalid".  As soon as I type a
>> single letter into the Verify New Password field I get the "passwords do
>> not match" error.
>> Oh well.
>> On Aug 7, 2014, at 9:24 AM, Robert Long <rlong at unicon.net> wrote:
>> FWIW… I just created a user “bob” on that server below.
>> Maybe clear your cache?
>> —Bob
>> ----
>> Robert Long
>> Software Engineer
>> Technical Account Manager - Sakai
>> Unicon, Inc.
>> ----
>> M.A., Instructional Technology
>> Saginaw Valley State University
>> On Aug 7, 2014, at 9:21 AM, Ziegler, Jeff <ziegler at umich.edu> wrote:
>> Anybody else having trouble creating an account on nightly2?
>> Tried three browsers and a variety of passwords (including typing a
>> single letter or pasting the same PW into both fields) and I continue to
>> get a "passwords do not match" error.
>> J
>> On Aug 7, 2014, at 12:55 AM, Charles Severance <csev at umich.edu> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> You have been hearing a bunch about the new responsive Morpheus portal
>> and the removal of the iFrames from Sakai 11.   Lots of work has been going
>> on.   Last night I committed the first of many changes to the portal code
>> in trunk to start us down the path to being  iframe free.
>> If you go to the nightly server, that is built from trunk you will see
>> that there are no more iframes except for the following tools:
>> Lessons, Samigo, Preferences, Resources, DropBox, and Home
>> If you want to a fun test, go to
>> http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082/portal
>> Make an account, make a site, add the Gradebook and a few other tools to
>> the site - then click the four buttons across the top of Gradebook and then
>> click the Back button four times - watching the URL change.   No iframes,
>> real REST looking URLs in the location box and flawlessly working back
>> button.
>> At this point we have not done anything that is irreversible, all we did
>> was change two property defaults in trunk.  You can restore yesterday's
>> behavior by setting these back to their old defaults:
>> portal.inline.experimental=false
>> portal.pda.iframesuppress=:all:
>> If you are playing with the morpheus portal, the next time you so an 'svn
>> update' the same settings and behaviors will be in effect.  The morpheus
>> portal is inlining all but the above tools as well.
>> None of this will be put into Sakai 10 - it will remain in trunk for
>> Sakai 11.
>> Over the next few weeks, we will be working on tweaking little markup
>> glitches to make it so all tools can be inlined in both the neo and
>> morpheus.   Lessons, Samigo and Preferences have small issues of markup
>> conflicts, jQuery versions or local CSS bits that should be easily fixed to
>> allow them to be inlined.  Home has four tools on a single page and there
>> is no way to inline more than one tool on a page other than using portlets
>> so the Home page is hard to fix.   DropBox and Home use Bootstrap
>> Javascript and CSS and so they have significant markup conflicts between
>> them and the portal - we may need to wait for morpheus to mature some more
>> to get these two tools working in inline mode.
>> You can track what is happening at this JIRA:
>> https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-27774
>> If you find a problem that appears to be a markup conflict between the
>> portal and tool markup, please file a JIRA and link it to SAK-27774 and we
>> will see what we can do.
>> This is the first of many steps to a state-of-the-art responsive and
>> iframe-free user experience.   Thanks for all your help and support.
>> /Chuck
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>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>> Jeff Ziegler
>> CTools Service Manager
>> ITS Teaching and Learning Group
>> University of Michigan
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>> "New != better.  Different != better.  Only better == better."
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>> Jeff Ziegler
>> CTools Service Manager
>> ITS Teaching and Learning Group
>> University of Michigan
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> "New != better.  Different != better.  Only better == better."
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Jeff Ziegler
> CTools Service Manager
> ITS Teaching and Learning Group
> University of Michigan
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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