[Using Sakai] webservices -worked, now some fail.

Gregory Guthrie guthrie at mum.edu
Tue Mar 19 09:39:02 PDT 2013

I used to be able to use several of the currently implemented webservices, although I have had trouble finding examples of correct usage for most, or even if they are really working.

One example is:  http://sakai.cs.mum.edu/direct/profile/myUserName@mySakai.edu.xml 
Which used to give me the correct user profile (V2.7), and now (2.8) instead gives me this:

     HTTP Status 403 - Security exception handling request for view (/profile/guthrie at mum.edu.xml), 
    this is typically caused by the current user not having access to the data requested or the user not
    being logged in at all :: message=Must be logged in to get a UserProfile.

But I am logged in, and other web services do work in the same session.

Asking for announcements; http://sakai.cs.mum.edu/direct/announcement/user.json?n=20&d=100
Doesn't fail, but doesn't return any data, which again used to work fine.

I also don't understand the difference between the /direct/describe/ information and some working examples from other sources.

For example this used to work for me:
but the direc/document page says to use:

Which just gives a 404 error (changing mercury to a site ID or name?).

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