[Using Sakai] Using Sakai-Demo with MySQL -> Delete entries in table cm_member_container_t

mail at nicolaslehmann.de mail at nicolaslehmann.de
Tue Oct 16 12:33:13 PDT 2012

Hi at all,

first of all thanks for all replies!

Now i connected the sakaidemo with a mysql database. (using a windows xampp 1.8.1 installation)

The problem was the hibernate.dialect:
- not working: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
- working: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect

Here is my configuration file: (sakai.properties)

# The username and password. The defaults are for the out-of-the-box HSQLDB. Change to match your setup.
username at javax.sql.BaseDataSource=sakaiuser
password at javax.sql.BaseDataSource=sakaipassword

# MySQL settings - make sure to alter as appropriate
vendor at org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService=mysql
driverClassName at javax.sql.BaseDataSource=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
url at javax.sql.BaseDataSource=jdbc:mysql://
validationQuery at javax.sql.BaseDataSource=select 1 from DUAL
defaultTransactionIsolationString at javax.sql.BaseDataSource=TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED

Now I’m getting started to rebuild the currenct academic term of my university (Free University of Berlin, only department: computer science) in sakai.

For that I want to add, change and delete the entries in the table “cm_member_container_t”.
I’m able add and change entries in this table but I can’t delete any entry.

I get the followig SQL Error:
#1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`sakai`.`cm_membership_t`, CONSTRAINT `FK9FBBBFE067131463` FOREIGN KEY (`MEMBER_CONTAINER_ID`) REFERENCES `cm_member_container_t` (`MEMBER_CONTAINER_ID`))

I already changed the fields “COURSE_OFFSPRING” and “PARRENT_SECTION” to the value “NULL” so there should be no fk-dependencies anymore but it still doesn’t work.

Has anybody an idea how to delete an entry in this table?

Greetings from Berlin
Nicolas Lehmann
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