[Using Sakai] Charset encoding

Nicolas Lupien niclupien at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 11:29:42 PST 2011

I'm probably not the first reporting issues about character encoding
because of the existence of this page :

But unfortunately, I discovered it too late and I must deal with not being
able to use UTF-8 character encoding in some context in my Sakai instance.
It's a bit of a problem because we have mostly french user with special
character (é, è) in their name. I fear to modify the database manually
cause i don't know what effect it can have on Sakai. Generally, I tell
people to never modify database of system I develop (i'm a developer).

However, what i would like to ask you is to put some reference to this in
your release notes or install page. I've read it all and followed it
carefully but still I have a broken installation. I also have good
knowledge of system installations (I have a fresh RHEL Sysadmin II
certification) i don't think this is a "dumb" error of myself.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to "troll" or anything, you have a
excellent project and I know how open source project works. I'm very happy
with what you do, and i'm also happy to getting you my first feedback.

Nicolas Lupien
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