[Using Sakai] Planet Sakai

Steven Githens swgithen at mtu.edu
Thu Aug 18 07:23:52 PDT 2011

Hello Sakai Dev and User Lists,

Just a quick heads up about planetsakai.org.  I'm happy to say that I've 
managed to hand the maintenance and running of the site over to Seth ( 
slt at columbia.edu ).  I asked Seth to do it because 1) He's in my top 5 
list of the most responsible people I know in the entire world ( 
seriously ) and 2) He keeps it super real, so I know he won't feel 
compelled to edit it unless something shows up that's grossly offensive 
in a non-technical way.

I've been pretty ( catastrophically ) slow at updating feed links the 
past year, so this should be pretty great.  Thanks Seth!


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