[Using Sakai] YNT: sakai ldap problem

Latif SAĞLAM lsaglam at anadolu.edu.tr
Thu Aug 4 01:53:12 PDT 2011

Kimden: Latif SAĞLAM
Gönderildi: 03 Ağustos 2011 Çarşamba 11:57
Kime: Steve Swinsburg
Konu: YNT: [Using Sakai] sakai ldap problem

Mr. Steve and Mr. Yorukoglu thanks for help..
The problem solved, as you say Steve to configure jlad-bean.xml  we need to sakai source and then deploy it  to tomcat.home after configure 3 files.
Kimden: Steve Swinsburg [steve.swinsburg at gmail.com]
Gönderildi: 30 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi 09:17
Kime: Latif SAĞLAM
Bilgi: sakai-user at collab.sakaiproject.org
Konu: Re: [Using Sakai] sakai ldap problem


You can't use the binary AND configure it with LDAP. You need the source as it requires additional dependencies to be packaged and deployed. The pom you edited is the deployed one which has no effect once deployed.

Grab the source of Sakai, build it with Maven and then start customising.


On 30/07/2011, at 12:42 AM, Latif SAĞLAM wrote:

I installed sakai 2.8 binary as follows http://source.sakaiproject.org/release/2.8.0/artifacts/sakai-bin-2.8.0.zip<https://cas.porsuk.anadolu.edu.tr/owa/redir.aspx?C=69f5a103a7a24669bd3381b5b15ecd0d&URL=http%3a%2f%2fsource.sakaiproject.org%2frelease%2f2.8.0%2fartifacts%2fsakai-bin-2.8.0.zip>
My setenv.bat file is below

set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:NewSize=192m -XX:MaxNewSize=384m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.language=tr -Duser.region=TR -Dhttp.agent=Sakai -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true

I installed correctly and it Works.

my pom.xml  in C:\opt\tomcat\components\sakai-provider-pack\META-INF\maven\org.sakaiproject\sakai-provider-pack  below

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0">
    <name>University of Michigan</name>
<!-- Needed for the sample provider
<!-- -->
<!--Needed for the JLDAP Provider -->

<!-- Needed for the Kerberos Provider-->


<!-- Needed for the IMS Enterprise Provider

                                               Needed for the (new as of Sakai 2.3) CM-based
                                               AuthzGroupProvider and legacy CourseManagementProvider
<!-- Needed for the Federated provider

<!-- Needed for the All Hands Provider

    <!-- Needed for the K2 Hybrid Provider



In C:\opt\tomcat\components\sakai-provider-pack\WEB-INF   components.xml  file ok

<!-- Uncomment and configure to use the JLDAPDirectoryProvider -->
                <import resource="jldap-beans.xml" />

C:\opt\tomcat\components\sakai-provider-pack\WEB-INF    jldap-beans.xml file like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd">


                <bean id="org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserDirectoryProvider"
                               class="edu.amc.sakai.user.JLDAPDirectoryProvider" init-method="init"
                               destroy-method="destroy" singleton="true">

                               <property name="memoryService">
                                               <ref bean="org.sakaiproject.memory.api.MemoryService"/>

                               <!-- Required. Host name or address of your LDAP server -->
                               <property name="ldapHost">

                               <!-- Optional. LDAP connection port. Typically defaults to
                                               JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_LDAP_PORT (389). Secured
                                               connections are usually on 636 -->
                               <property name="ldapPort">

                               <!--  If secureConnection is true, a keystore location must be provided
                                               unless javax.net.ssl.trustStore system property has already been
                                               set -->
                               <!--property name="keystoreLocation">

                               <!--  If secureConnection is true, a keystore password must be provided
                                               unless javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword system property has already
                                               been set -->
                               <!--property name="keystorePassword">

                               <!-- Optional. DN to which to bind for directory searches.
                                               Typically only necessary if autoBind is true -->
                               <!--property name="ldapUser">

                               <!-- Optional. Password for ldapUser defined above -->
                               <!--property name="ldapPassword">

                               <!-- Optional. Enables/disables secure LDAP connections.
                                               defaults to JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_IS_SECURE_CONNECTION (false) -->
                               <!--property name="secureConnection">

                               <!-- Optional. If secureConnection is true, this socket factory
                                               will be assigned globally to LDAPConnections. Defaults to an
                                               instance of com.novell.ldap.LDAPJSSESecureSocketFactory, which
                                               is appropriate for SSL connections. Use
                                               com.novell.ldap.LDAPJSSEStartTLSFactory for TLS. -->
                               <!-- property name="secureSocketFactory">
                                               <bean class="com.novell.ldap.LDAPJSSESecureSocketFactory" />
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Indicate if connection allocation should
                                               implicitly bind as ${ldapUser}. Defaults to false -->
                               <!--property name="autoBind">

                               <!-- Optional, but usually specified. Base DN for directory searches. -->
                               <property name="basePath">

                               <!-- Optional. Indicate if connections should follow
                                               referrals. Defaults to
                                               JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_IS_FOLLOW_REFERRALS (false)-->
                               <!-- property name="followReferrals">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. LDAP operation timeout in millis. Defaults
                                               to JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS (5000) -->
                               <!-- property name="operationTimeout">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Control depth of all searches. Possible values:
                                               0 - LDAPConnection.SCOPE_BASE - base object only
                                               1 - LDAPConnection.SCOPE_ONE - immediate children of base object
                                               2 - LDAPConnection.SCOPE_SUB - recursive
                                               Defaults to JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_SEARCH_SCOPE (2) -->
                               <!-- property name="searchScope">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. User entry cache ttl in millis. Defaults
                                               to JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL (300000)-->
                               <!-- property name="cacheTTL">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Control case-sensitivity of cache keys (User.eid values).
                                    Defaults to false. (Note that this is a departure from historical
                                    behavior.) -->
                               <!--property name="caseSensitiveCacheKeys">

                               <!--  Optional. Control the return value of
                                     on a global basis. Defaults to
                                     JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATE_WITH_PROVIDER_FIRST.  -->
                               <!--  property name="authenticateWithProviderFirst">
                               </property -->

                               <!--  Optional. Control whether or not authentication is attempted
                                     on a global basis. "true" enables authentication attempts (but
                                     does not automatically grant all authN attempts), "false"
                                     short-circuits that process and refuses all authN
                                     attempts.  Defaults to
                                     JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_ALLOW_AUTHENTICATION  -->
                               <!--  property name="allowAuthentication">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Defaults to an instance of
                               edu.amc.sakai.user.SimpleLdapConnectionManager -->
                               <!-- property name="ldapConnectionManager">
                                               <bean class="edu.amc.sakai.user.SimpleLdapConnectionManager" />
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Use Connection Pooling?
                                               Defaults to JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_POOLING (false).
                                               Has no effect if ldapConnectionManager has been explicitly
                                               assigned (unless that object honors this flag, of course). -->
                               <!--  property name="pooling">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Maxmimum number of connections in the pool
                                               Defaults to JLDAPDirectoryProvider.DEFAULT_POOL_MAX_CONNS (10) -->
                               <!--  property name="poolMaxConns">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Defaults to an instance of
                               edu.amc.sakai.user.SimpleLdapAttributeMapper -->
                               <property name="ldapAttributeMapper">
                                               <ref bean="edu.amc.sakai.user.LdapAttributeMapper" />

                               <!-- Optional. Only considered if ldapAttributeMapper is not explicitly
                               assigned. That is, if you choose to use the default LdapAttributeMapper
                               implementation, it is sufficient to specify attribute mappings here
                               and dispense with defining a edu.amc.sakai.user.LdapAttributeMapper bean.
                               This preserves forward compatibility of pre-2.5 config -->
                               <!--  property name="attributeMappings">
                                                               <entry key="logicalAttrName">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. If you don't provide an eidValidator the system
                               defaults to allowing searches on any EID, including empty
                               and null Strings. -->
                               <property name="eidValidator">
                                               <bean class="edu.amc.sakai.user.RegexpBlacklistEidValidator">
                                                               <property name="regexpFlags">
                                                                              <bean id="java.util.regex.Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE"
                                                                                              class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.FieldRetrievingFactoryBean" />
                                                               <property name="eidBlacklist">
                               <property name="searchAliases"><value>false</value></property>


    <!-- An optional bean definition which can be used to customize LDAP
    attribute to Sakai User instance member mapping behaviors. This
    example describes availabel configuration options for SimpleLdapAttributeMapper
    (the default LdapAttributeMapper implementation). -->
                <bean id="edu.amc.sakai.user.LdapAttributeMapper"

                               <!-- A typical set of attribute mappings. Keys are logical
                               names expected by the application. Values are physical LDAP
                               attribute names. If not specified or empty, defaults to
                               AttributeMappingConstants.DEFAULT_ATTR_MAPPINGS. -->
                               <property name="attributeMappings">
                                                               <entry key="login"><value>uid</value></entry>
                                                               <entry key="firstName"><value>givenName</value></entry>
                                                               <entry key="preferredFirstName"><value>preferredName</value></entry>
                                                               <entry key="lastName"><value>sn</value></entry>
                                                               <entry key="email"><value>email</value></entry>
                                                               <!--entry key="groupMembership"><value>groupMembership</value></entry--s>

                               <!-- Several options for calculating Sakai user types based
                               on LDAP attributes. Defaults to an instance of EmptyStringUserTypeMapper -->
                               <property name="userTypeMapper">
                                               <!-- Select one of the following beans -->
                                               <ref bean="edu.amc.sakai.user.EmptyStringUserTypeMapper" />
                                               <!-- ref bean="edu.amc.sakai.user.EntryAttributeToUserTypeMapper" /-->
                                               <!-- ref bean="edu.amc.sakai.user.EntryContainerRdnToUserTypeMapper" /-->
                                               <!-- ref bean="edu.amc.sakai.user.StringUserTypeMapper" /-->


                <!-- /// Begin Sample UserTypeMapper Beans /// -->

                <!-- Will usually only need at most one of the following UserTypeMapper
                beans. Three "standard" options shown here for documentation purposes. The
                "active" bean will be selected by a bean reference in the userTypeMapper
                property definition above. -->

                <!-- EmptyStringUserTypeMapper assigns gives all users an
                empty string as their Sakai "type" -->
                <bean id="edu.amc.sakai.user.EmptyStringUserTypeMapper"
                               singleton="true" />

                <!-- StringUserTypeMapper assigns a configurable String to all
                users as their Sakai "type". -->
                <bean id="edu.amc.sakai.user.StringUserTypeMapper"

                               <!--  property name="userType">
                               </property -->


                <!-- EntryAttributeToUserTypeMapper calculates Sakai user
                               types by simply passing attribute values through a map with
                               configurable "miss" behavior. -->
                <bean id="edu.amc.sakai.user.EntryAttributeToUserTypeMapper"

                               <!-- Optional. If not present or empty, behavior is
                               determined by the value of returnLiteralAttributeValueIfNoMapping
                               (see below). -->
                               <!-- property name="attributeValueToSakaiUserTypeMap">
                                                               <entry key="faculty"><value>faculty</value></entry>
                                                               <entry key="students"><value>student</value></entry>
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Required. The logical name of the LDAP attribute which
                               defines Sakai users' types. Value should be a key into the
                               attribute mappings associated with this LdapAttributeMapper
                               instance. -->
                               <property name="logicalAttributeName">

                               <!-- Optional. Defaults to false -->
                               <!--  property name="returnLiteralAttributeValueIfNoMapping">
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Only considered if returnLiteralAttributeValueIfNoMapping
                                               is false. Defaults to null. -->
                               <!--  property name="defaultSakaiUserType">
                                               <null />
                               </property -->


                <!-- EntryContainerRdnToUserTypeMapper calculates Sakai user
                               types by filtering a user entry's most-local RDN through the
                               assigned map. -->
                <bean id="edu.amc.sakai.user.EntryContainerRdnToUserTypeMapper"

                               <!-- Optional. Maps between container RDN values and Sakai user types -->
                               <!-- property name="rdnToSakaiUserTypeMap">
                                                               <entry key="facultyStaff"><value>faculty</value></entry>
                                                               <entry key="students"><value>student</value></entry>
                               </property -->

                               <!-- Optional. Defaults to false.  -->
                               <!-- property name="returnLiteralRdnValueIfNoMapping">
                               </property -->


                <!-- /// End Sample UserTypeMapper Beans /// -->


But  i cannot login with testuser.  What should I do?

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