[Using Sakai] Cannot search Sites by UserId

Rafael Morales rmorales at udgvirtual.udg.mx
Tue Oct 26 07:32:04 PDT 2010


As administrator, I can use the Sites tool to search for sites. It works 
fine when searching using words in site titles. If I give a full site 
id, it works as well. But if I try to search by user id, it either lists 
the user's My Site only (search using full user internal id) or nothing 
(searching using user id).

I did a search on Google and found SAK-10299 
<http://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAK-10299>, which it is supposed to 
be fixed on 2.7.0 (which I am using). So I am wondering what I can do to 
be able to do my search. Any help will be much appreciated.


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