[Using Sakai] accessing sakai via reverse proxy changing context root

David Horwitz david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
Mon Jul 12 10:17:24 PDT 2010

  Hi Tapas,

Haven't used mod proxy myself but you might check:




On 07/12/2010 07:05 PM, Tapas Mishra wrote:
> I checked a document here for generation of correct URLs
> https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/reference/trunk/docs/architecture/sakai_urls.doc
> it is very old dated March 23,2005 I contacted the original author also but
> no response.
> Sakai is generating URLs like this:
> GET /library/skin/default/portal.css
> GET /portal/styles/portalstyles.css
> GET /library/js/jquery.js
> mod_proxy does not rewrite HTML, only a few specific headers, so sakai
>   must generate the correct URLs, eg
> /'sakai/styles/portalstyles.css'.
> So if I do
> ProxyPass /sakai
> ProxyPassReverse /sakai
> there is no rule for /library or /portal or some more stuff html elements in
> sakai which are generating URLs not at /portal but some thing different such
> as /library or /admin so that is causing the problem.
> Changing port will not create the correct URLs
> How many ReWriteRules do I need to write so that it becomes correctly
> available.
> Any one ?

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