[Using Sakai] 2.5x add participants question: labeling in "Official Email Address or Username"

Luke Fernandez luke.fernandez at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 09:20:43 PST 2010

When I add participants manually to a project site in 2.5x in the top
box it prompts me with the following:

Add participant(s) to [project site name]...

Other Official Participants
Official Email Address or Username

[Box to enter accounts]
Note: Enter multiples each on separate line (no punctuation)

In our deployment the official username is different than the official
email address (e.g. my Sakai account is "lfernandez" my email is
"lfernandez at weber.edu").  Needless to say this is confusing to people
who set up sites; they start trying to add email addresses when they
should be adding usernames.  If I recall correctly, in previous
versions of Sakai this conflation of email and username wasn't made in
the label.

In future versions should the labeling be changed from "Official Email
Address or Username" to "Official Username"? (if it should be I'm
happy to add a JIRA bug)



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