[Using Sakai] Sakai Slow Down

Stephen Marquard stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
Thu Sep 10 10:43:44 PDT 2009

Hi Barb

It's a bit hard to say without more details. Some generic suggestions are:

- Give the app servers more memory
- Add more app servers
- Upgrade to the latest release and/or maintenance branch (2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2-5-x or 2-6-x).

You could also look at the PROD category in JIRA to see production configurations from other sites of similar scale.

I'd suggest you post some more detailed info (e.g. about your app servers and database and any information you have about where the bottlenecks are) to the production or sakai-dev lists, which are better places to get feedback than sakai-user.

>>> Barb Kerns <brk at bumail.bradley.edu> 9/10/2009 7:35 PM >>> 
We are in the midst of moving from Blackboard to Sakai and have had high
adoption this Fall by faculty.  However, this week Sakai web services
stopped twice and at other times is slow to load pages.  We are self hosted
Sakai 2.5.0 on two Sun servers and have about 650 course sites, 1000
simultaneous sessions through most of the day/evening and about 1 million
hits per day.  Where should we start in improving speed/performance?
We would appreciate any guidance.

Barb Kerns
Bradley University
Peoria, IL USA
(309) 677-2332

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