[Using Sakai] More conference videos

Michael Korcuska mkorcuska at sakaifoundation.org
Tue Jul 21 14:22:36 PDT 2009


The Sakai Foundation contracted a videographer to tape brief (5-15  
minute) interviews with a variety of members of the Sakai community  
(this was over-and-above the citizen journalist videos). The footage  
from these interviews needs to be reviewed, clips need to be selected  
and they need to be converted to a format we can easily share (via the  
Sakai website, etcetera).

I can hire someone to do this but after I saw the great work coming  
out of the citizen journalist effort I was hoping we could get some  
volunteers from the community to help out. We would send you a DVD and  
you'd select the clips, add standardized video "bumpers" and post them  
to a Sakai Foundation vimeo account (or some such).  There are  
probably 15 or so interviews in total in English, Spanish and French.

Many hands make light work. Crowdsourcing. Community source. That sort  
of thing.....

I'll do some and volunteer Pieter Hartsook to help as well :-). Who  
else is willing to help out?

Best regards,


Michael Korcuska
Executive Director, Sakai Foundation
mkorcuska at sakaifoundation.org
phone: +1 510-931-6559
mobile (US): +1 510-599-2586
skype: mkorcuska

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