[Using Sakai] Suggestions wanted for short-term Sakai customization projects

Adam Marshall adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Wed Aug 26 03:35:14 PDT 2009

Some ideas of the top of me noggin:

 - WYSIWYG editor for the wiki would be a good idea! 

 - Or getting search to index the HTML site descriptions

 - Or getting the Sitebrowser tool to optionally search site descriptions

 - IMS QTI import into Evaluations 

 - make auto generated passwords stronger, currently it's just a sequence of numbers

 - auto-order active sites drop down list so sites that the user has visited the most appear at the top of the list

 - add a prefix to the subject messages sent by email archive eg, messages sent to biology-101 at sakai.ac.uk should have the title rewritten as "[biology-101] Original title"

 - address SAK-12761

Just some thoughts!?


| -----Original Message-----
| From: sakai-user-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org [mailto:sakai-user-
| bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org] On Behalf Of Brian Moynihan
| Sent: 25 August 2009 21:50
| To: sakai-user at collab.sakaiproject.org; sakai-dev-
| request at collab.sakaiproject.org
| Subject: [Using Sakai] Suggestions wanted for short-term Sakai
| customization projects
| I am putting together a proposal for for a course here at UNC to have a
| group of  students develop customizations for Sakai, and I was
| wondering
| if anyone had any suggestions of something that would be workable. The
| group working on the project will be composed of
| three upper-level undergraduate Computer Science majors putting in
| about
| 300 hours of development work. They are fairly experienced with Java
| but
| do not have any experience with Sakai.
| UNC is currently running a Sakai pilot through Unicon, but we would
| love
| to take advantage of any local talent that will offer to help.
| Unfortunately I only learned about this opportunity so I only have
| until
| about noon on Wednesday 8/26 (EST) to come up with ideas for the
| proposal.
| Does anyone have any ideas of something that would be of appropriate
| scope, and hopefully of some wider use to the community?
| Thanks in advance for your help!
| -Brian
| --
| Brian Moynihan
| Program Manager
| Larry Keith Advisory Colleges
| & Office of International Activities
| 322A MacNider Hall
| UNC School of Medicine
| moynihan at med.unc.edu
| http://www.med.unc.edu/oia
| http://www.med.unc.edu/advisorycolleges
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