[WG: Sakai QA] Sakai 2.6.2 update (artifact testing)

Seth Theriault slt at columbia.edu
Fri Jan 29 14:10:54 PST 2010

Anthony Whyte wrote:

> For 2.6.2 entitybroker pack and polls webapp bundle up 
> kernel-utils-1.0.12; all other projects rely on 
> kernel-1.0.13 jars.  I should also note that there were no 
> kernel-util changes between 1.0.12 and 1.0.13.  The downside 
> is that it adds to the download time of a first time 
> deployer given the extra set of kernel jars.

Uh, why can't the indies being bundled with a specific Sakai 
release be REQUIRED to use the same kernel version as the 
release itself? Otherwise, it's a deployer nightmare -- 
especially if I have to apply kernel patches -- and totally 
renders moot any goal of simplification.


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