[WG: Sakai QA] Sakai 2.6.2 update (artifact testing)

Anthony Whyte arwhyte at umich.edu
Fri Jan 29 12:08:29 PST 2010

David--thank you for taking time to test out the build.  I really  
appreciate it.  Your feedback is most helpful.  A couple of replies:

1.  .externals.  double entries for entitybroker, emailtemplateservice  
and polls--mistake.  Fixed in the 2.6.2 release branch and I tweeked  
the 2.6.2 tag (not something I normally do but since it's not a tool  
or service change and the tag has not been publicly released patching  
the tag to fix .externals is ok in my view).

This fix will require at a minimum a regeneration of the sakai- 
src-2.6.1 zip and tar artifacts.  I'll regenerate the demo and bin  
artifacts as well.  I am doing that now.

2.  entitybroker-13.6.2, emailtemplateservice-0.3.4 and polls-1.1.4  
base pom's <parent> = 2.6.1.  True as expected.  These projects were  
released immediately prior to generating the 2.6.2 maintenance  
releases in order to eliminate all SNAPSHOT dependency references in  
the 2.6.2 build.*   They rely on the 2.6.1 master as their base pom  
<parent> since the 2.6.2 master pom (which at the time of their  
respective releases had yet to be generated and deployed to the maven2  
repo) references each of these released versions.  Hence, the need to  
release them first.

* Entitybroker, emailtemplateservice and polls for Sakai 2.6.0 were  
versioned separately by their teams but downloading, installing and  
deploying them as binaries during a 2.6 source build was never  
implemented--since changed for 2.7.

For 2.6.2 entitybroker pack and polls webapp bundle up kernel- 
utils-1.0.12; all other projects rely on kernel-1.0.13 jars.   I  
should also note that there were no kernel-util changes between 1.0.12  
and 1.0.13.  The downside is that it adds to the download time of a  
first time deployer given the extra set of kernel jars.

A few other Sakai-specific non-2.6.2/1.0.13 jars are installed in an  
empty .m2/repository/org/sakaiproject when you build from source.   
These include entitybroker (via polls), a couple of different  
versions of generic-dao used by entitybroker and polls respectively  
(later versions that override what is specified in the master pom:  
<sakai.generic-dao.version>0.9.1</sakai.generic-dao.version>), sakai- 
util (M2) and master (M2, 2.5.2) -- the latter two the result of RSF  
0.7.4 dependencies, I believe.  None of this "extra stuff" invalidates  
the build or release in my opinion.


That said, polls-1.1.4 uses entitybroker-utils- which does not  
include a fix for SAK-17290.  David Horwitz can provide expert opinion  
here; but again in my view the polls tool in 2.6.2 is not hamstrung  
because it uses a version of entitybroker-utils that does not include  
the fix below.


$ svn log -r68316:68319 https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/entitybroker/trunk/utils/src/java/org/sakaiproject/entitybroker/util/http/HttpRESTUtils.java
r68317 | aaronz at vt.edu | 2009-10-28 04:24:28 +0100 (mer. 28 oct. 2009)  
| 4 lines

Fixed a bug in the rest utils and also removed a NPE
merging in commits from 85,86,90 of entitybus

r68319 | aaronz at vt.edu | 2009-10-28 04:40:26 +0100 (mer. 28 oct. 2009)  
| 2 lines

Improved exceptions so that there are specific ones returned instead  
of RuntimeException
leveque at guilleret:~/sakai/source/sakai_2-6-x_full$ svn merge - 
r68316:68319 https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/entitybroker/trunk/utils/src/java/org/sakaiproject/entitybroker/util/http/HttpRESTUtils.java 
--- Fusion de r68317 à r68319 dans 'entitybroker/utils/src/java/org/ 
U    entitybroker/utils/src/java/org/sakaiproject/entitybroker/util/ 
Let me know if the above satisfies your concerns.  New demo, bin and  
source artifacts on the way which include a fixed .externals.



On Jan 29, 2010, at 6:04 AM, David Adams wrote:

> Anthony Whyte wrote:
>> The 2.6.2 release tag and artifacts are ready.  If you have a free  
>> moment
>> please test out the demo, bin and source artifacts as well as the  
>> tag.  I've
>> tried out the demo, binary and source *.tgz as well as the tag and  
>> they all
>> start up but I should not be the only one trying out artifacts.
>> Send back your results to the QA list.
> Thanks, Anthony!
> I've only tested the build so far, but I've noticed a couple of  
> things:
> First, entitybroker, polls, and emailtemplateservice are listed  
> twice in svn:externals. The first entry has the wrong tag  
> (sakai-2.6.2). The second one is correct. On my subversion at least,  
> it seems to use only the second (correct) URL, but it hits it twice  
> during checkout, the second time around printing no listing since  
> it's already checked out, which is a little disturbing to see, and  
> then confusing when the files are there despite the seemingly empty  
> checkout. So this one doesn't break anything, but it is confusing.
> Second, the Sakai version listed in the <parent> section of the  
> pom.xml files for entitybroker and polls are wrong. They specify  
> 2.6.1, with the result that they pull in the 1.0.12 kernel instead  
> of 1.0.13. Changing it to 2.6.2 seems to fix this.
> Thanks for your efforts in getting this release finalized!
> -- 
> David Adams
> Director, Learning Systems Integration and Support
> Virginia Tech Learning Technologies
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