[sakai-pmc] Review 10.4 documentation?

Sam Ottenhoff ottenhoff at longsight.com
Tue Feb 17 12:23:41 PST 2015

> Always nice if I can get a second pair of eyes to review the documentation:
>    - http://sakaiproject.org/current-release
What's new in 10.4?  "Bug Fixes."  Please be specific with a number (not
"about 50") and provide a link to those bug fixes.

Tomcat is 7.0.56 not 7.056

"compatibily" spelling

Sakai 10.4 has a few highlights that are in your release notes.  Simplified
Chinese and Admin Documentation are not the core highlights.

Please fix the headings.  They are inconsistent especially "What's new in
Sakai 10.1"

>    -
>    and of course, the standard
>    https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/DOC/Sakai+10+Release+Notes

The recommendation for Tomcat 7.0.56+ up (because of WebDAV, I believe) and
JDK 1.7.0_76 are pretty crucial and should be included in all communication
about this release.

The link to the issues fixed should be in all communication.  Your email to
apereo-announce seemed vague ("about 50 fixes" with no list of fixes or
link to fixes).
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