[sakai-pmc] Mini-Sakai 10 communications plan

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Thu Jun 19 06:09:18 PDT 2014


Here is a rough communications plan for when we get Sakai 10 out the 
door. I recently subscribed to one of the Educause lists, so I can post 
to that. Might be good to think of other outlets to get the word out in 
addition to, but beyond, the Sakai community.


1) Before sending out communications, insure that following 
documentation is updated:

https://source.sakaiproject.org/release/  (and this needs to be 
redirected to the latest release)

Confluence Release notes, especially summary of new features and 
technical requirements

http://www.sakaiproject.org at the following places:

2) Communicate technical details, specifically how to access the release 
artifacts, to the QA, Dev, and Prod lists

3) Communicate to the broader community the main changes, in 
non-technical terms, for the release. Include QA, Dev, Prod and add 
Internationalization, Accessibility, Sakai User, Pedagogy, and 

4) Post a highlighted news item to the Apereo.org web site.

5) Social media - Post to Facebook as Sakai Project and to Twitter 
(point the tweet to the Apereo.org web site?)

6) Send out an Apereo Announcement

7) Should go to outlets outside of the community (Educause... others?)


Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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