[sakai-docs] [Building Sakai] sakai worksite setup

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Nov 19 13:04:59 PST 2014

Hi Tdm (name? ;-) )

You must be logged on as admin/admin ?   If you log in as a non-admin user,
you will not see those options.

Sources of administrative documentation include a book on Sakai by Alan
Berg and Ian Dolphin [1]. Our Sakai wiki [2]  (though I'm not 100% sure how
up to date this is). There is also Google, of course :-) and group email
archives (and gmane.com and nabble.com makes searching email archives a bit

Plus, I'm sure you will be thankful that the Sakai documentation group has
started work on administrative documentation! This is far from complete but
we have a nice start on an outline (volunteers welcome!) [3].

[1] Sakai CLE Courseware Management book -
 (I'm not endorsing Amazon.com, just pointing to a place you can learn
about the book.)

[2] Sakai Wiki -
 (please note, you might have to search around Confluence to find what you
need. Lots of information, but not always easy to find :-(  .

[3] Sakai online help documentation (in progress)-

I hope that is not too overwhelming, but you've got to start somewhere.  :-)


On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Tdm System <tdmsystems4 at gmail.com> wrote:

> hello all ,
> i want to ask about  worksite setup tool , when enter to this tools i got
> list of work site but i don't know what these site for , and i want to ask
> what the difference between the tools :
> 1- sites
> 2- realm
> 3- worksite setup
> thanx in advance
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