[Building Sakai] What's your strategy for reviewing PRs?

Mark Triggs mark at dishevelled.net
Mon Mar 2 11:36:24 PST 2015

Hey Steve,

You don't actually have to clone the remote user's repo to review a PR.
You can follow this trick to add a new remote to your .git/config:


Then just do a:

  git fetch

to pull down all pull requests and:

  git checkout pr/123

to switch your local tree to the PR you want to review.


Steve Swinsburg <steve.swinsburg at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all,
> Just wondering what your strategy is for reviewing PRs? If its more than a
> simple change I like to checkout and run it up to see it working, however I
> find this very difficult with github PRs and remote forks as I need to clone
> that user's repo in order to get the remote branch (or do I?) and that
> typically takes an hour or more.
> What would be neat is if github could just give me a patch that I can apply to
> my own fork, which I could then just reset.
> The scenario I am working from is this PR which I would like to review: https:/
> /github.com/sakaiproject/sakai/pull/205/files
> cheers,
> Steve

Mark Triggs
<mark at dishevelled.net>

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